
Palm Sunday April 28th
Bridegroom Service 6:00pm
Monday & Tuesday
Bridegroom Service 6:00pm

Wednesday Holy Unction
5:00 – 7:00pm
Thursday, May 2nd
Divine Liturgy 7:00am
Holy Passion 5:00pm
Friday, May 3rd
Hours 1:00pm
Vespers 2:00pm
Lamentations 6:00pm
Saturday May 4th
Divine Liturgy 9:00am Easter Egg Hunt to follow
Pre-resurrection 11:00pm
Message 11:45pm
Proclamation @Midnight
Divine Liturgy to follow

Our small community of Saint George was established in 1922 by a group of Greek immigrants primarily from the Peloponnesian areas of Langadia and Agios Petros.

Today we strive to serve the religious needs of all Orthodox Christians: converts, those in inter-Church marriages, those who are single and the elderly, married, children, young adults and teenagers.

Our patron Saint George is one of the most venerated saints across all branches of Christianity.  He was born to Christian parents in Cappadocia, a town in Asia Minor- present day Turkey, during the late third century around 275 and 285 AD.  He entered the military at a very young age and advanced quickly to the rank of Tribunus in the imperial guard of Emperor Diocletian.  In 302 AD, the emperor issued an edict requiring all Christian soldiers to denounce their faith and offer sacrifice to the Pagan gods.  George, by now one of the Emperor’s favored officers, loudly and repeatedly denounced the Emperor’s edict and declared his worship of Jesus Christ.  After several attempts, and offers of great wealth to convert George, Diocletian ordered his torture and eventual decapitation, along with Empress Alexandra, on April 23, 303.  He was buried in the town of Lydda and soon Christians started honoring him as a martyr.  Today, we venerate Saint George on April 23 unless Easter falls after that date, in which case we celebrate his “name day” the day after Easter.

His icon seated on a horse and depicts him slaying a dragon, a symbol of evil in the world. In the background is a lady who is probably Alexandra. Other icons of St. George show him in military attire displaying the rank of his office.

As our patron saint we honor him every liturgy with the following hymn: “ Liberator of captives, defender of the poor, physician of the sick and champion of Kings, O trophy-bearer, Great Martyr George, intercede with Christ God that our souls be saved”

Our church is located in the city of Pittsfield in the beautiful area of the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts and it serves the Orthodox faithful of Western Massachusetts, Southern Vermont and Northern Connecticut.

We welcome you to visit with us when you are in the area. If we can be of any assistance contact us:

Church Office

(413) 442-8113
